
Przez Świat na Fazie

One of the most popular travelers who has been reporting his adventures from different parts of the world for over seven years.

Przez Świat na Fazie

Dawid Fazowski

Przez Świat na Fazie One of the most popular travelers who has been reporting his adventures from different parts of the world for over seven years.

Creator’s Statistics:
144 000


224 000


500 000


29 700


He is a real trailblazer! He lead the way not only in travels, but also in creating vlogs on Polish YouTube . He has visited over 100 countries alone, and his videos are watched by millions of users. Viewers appreciate him for his heartfelt, authentic content and spontaneity. The author of "Pingwiny wódki nie piją" (Eng. "Penguins don't drink vodka.")

Top Formats:

  • travel vlogs divided into seasons
  • gotowanie na fazie - cooking program
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